This is our motto. Most of autoimmune diseases and health problems compromise our skin. The skin is a large protective organ and is the mirror of our physical and mental health.

We are the only ones responsible for our own health: we are a result of our choices and our actions.

We want to make pcople aware that bad habits (such as a bad diet) or even wrong choices such as the use of chemical fillers, certain chemical products and, unnecessary invasive surgeries, can truly damage or skin.

Our body is our temple and we need to take good care of it to live a healthy life and stay strong.

Paz Protocol was developed to make people concern that facial procedures that use chemicals may damage people's skin and might cause irreversible problems.

Paz Protocol has an individualized costume-made protocol depending on the patient's needs and skin problems/diseases.

Paz Protocol is a technique that combines 100% natural minimal invasive treatments to regenerate and improve the quality of the skin. It uses the latest technology to reverse the aging process of the skin, and stimulate the loss of collage, elastin and vascularization.

It's the only protocol in the world that combines stem cells, ozonetherapy, and photobiomodulation technology to regenerate the skin cells.

All patients will do a CBCT and a facial scanner on the first appointment. We believe that teeth infections do cause skin inflammation. We will also evaluate the patients' soft tissue /skin with a facial scanner.

Blood tests and genetic tests will be recommended according to the patients' needs on the first appointment.

After the doctor’s evaluation and analysis, it will be proposed to the patient an individualized treatment plan.

Paz Protocol is more than a facial aesthetic treatment, is an immune and regenerative therapy.


Get your skin diagnose and a treatment plan.